I first heard of this from a jackfrags video. Side parachuting. Increases range.
VG Royale Trios, early jump. Just a basic reference.
VG Royale Duos, Mid-drop.
3/4 drop, VG Royale Solos.
Plunder Mode
In both VG Solos & Plunder they seem to descend right away. In PC terms, mashing W.
The point of this discussion is that an intrinsic gameplay dynamic, providing great advantage, is underutilized on a routine basis. The only other anecdote I have is the other day I was telling a random of this, and he was surprised. Said he had no idea of it. And so, I think gamers are just unaware. Deploy to any game mode, see if you notice similar things, and then tell others.
It works for redeploys. You can get to the exact location you need to be. Contracts; teammate assistance; evades; rooftop assaults; roof-to-ground flanks; vehicles; loot; anything.
Pinwheel as a Real Tactic
The Assault Leader’s directions may be to the line as a whole (e.g., “Pinwheel left!) or at individual soldiers (e.g., Jose, get on line!”). - Page 82-83.
They reiterate the same pinwheel phrase a few times. In the context it is referring to an Assault Line. This is about a Squad-sized element, which can be more than 4 people. They stay in a line to prevent friendly fire etc. The phrase pinwheel refers to pivoting the line.
The YouTuber IceManIsaac introduced this term and uses it in a similar way. Since I found the term being used in tactical literature, for group formations, it’s further noteworthy.
My only problem with pinwheeling is that I believe the white demarcated line is a hot zone. And I believe in leaving buffer zones either side. The perfect zone transition can be difficult to achieve, however.
Self-Selected Skill Based Matchmaking
This is conjecture on my part. I was philosophizing about Skill-Based Matchmaking. What if in the future of gaming. There would be self-selected SBMM? You could increase the difficulty, which would be good training. Or put it on a normal setting. I’m not going to attempt further conjecture now on how many SBMM settings there could be (permutation), and the different potential factors. But it’s cool to think about.
Here is a topic with somewhat more certainty: